Friday 27 June 2008


After a up and down week where I experienced the highs and lows of gambling I realised i needed to refocus, on Tuesday this week I was stupid enough to withdraw £300 and play the roulette in the local bookies. The first spin hit one of my big numbers and was instantly £92 in profit and decided to collect it and leave £92 up – I would have liked to have played longer but knew I could well end up £300 down.

I have also been following a very decent Tipster service (well the past results were excellent) but the two months I have been following have been very costly. The service gave two short priced favourites and hoping the tide would turn I backed the first one for £25 (my usual bet is £10, I like to have a comfortable points/bank ratio). Watching the horse come no where near winning I was quite upset with myself for increasing my stakes based on impulse – I then followed the second tip and backed for £55!! Needless to say it didn’t win, at this point I was fuming with myself as I lost all discipline and had chased my losses.

This was when I decided to I needed to tighten up and regain my previous discipline, it had been a strange few days for me as it was out of character – maybe I was having a bad day and felt the need to play the roulette? I still get pissed off with myself thinking about the £80 blown on two horses – was tempted to deposit more cash and back Spain to beat Russia that evening but decided to cut losses for the day and regroup. Of course Spain went on to a 3-0 win against Russia, if I had backed it no doubt it would have been 0-0 and Spain to win in extra time!!! Ah well…

I have been paying particular attention to a thread on the Betfair forum titled “£100 becomes £137,920.12”. The concept is starting with a bank of £100 picking one horse a day to get beat a day for a year at BF odds of 51.0 or less paying 5% commission. An interesting theory initially seems very do-able? Of course, easy I think to myself! I have put £100 into my account and see if I can follow this through, I have taken encouragement from other forumers who have started this and going well.

It will be a good test of patience and discipline something I have been lacking recently; it also gives me a target to work towards. I would love to be able to reach £500 - £1000 using this system, for the time being im going to work out a set of rules to follow i.e. what type of race, conditions etc. I will also look at laying correct scores/results in Football games as im more comfortable with Football.

My aim is to increase my £100 bank by a minimum of 3% per day. I will not restrict myself by how many bets I have if i feel its a good opportunity.

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