Sunday 13 July 2008

Double Century and then some!

Been a bit slack in updating the blog, apologies! Been making steady progress on the hold em poker and had a nice winner at Newmarket on Friday had a fiver on Marchand D'or at 4.2 which now pushes my bank up to £224. The frenchman left it very late to pip US Ranger on the line - I dont think I have ever seen US Ranger win a race???

Definatley seems to be a Wimbledon hangover with my betting, still there is the Golf starting on the 17th July so hopefully there will be some good trading options. Will have to tap up my Golf buddy for some bets on the 3balls.

Just waiting for my Bacon bagel in bed, life is quite sweet at the moment! Will post my bets on the Football before i go out this afternoon.

Bank - £224.32 Day 16

No football bets but lost a few quid on the hold em poker, not a great day today.

Revised Bank - £211.04 Day 16

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